Brain Report facility is provided for every child in Cambridge. The brain power of the child is recognized from the brain report. After getting the brain report, a child can choose the right subject like Science Commerce Arts, out of these three subjects, according to the brain of that child, which subject is right.
The brain report gives an idea of the child’s IQ level. Brain Report facility is provided for every child in Cambridge. The brain power of the child is recognized by the brain report.
The brain report reveals the learning style of the child and gives hundred percent accurate information about more than 100 career fields in which that child can succeed so that the child can achieve success in his career by going in the right direction.
अब आप क्लास 11 में विषय चयन कैसे करेंगे?
- आपका दोस्त जो विषय ले रहा है वही लोगे?
- या घर पर किसी से राय लेकर?
- या अपने टीचर से राय लेकर?
- या पड़ोसियों से राय लेकर?
- या कुछ कुछ दिन सभी सब्जेक्ट साइंस/ आर्ट्स/ कॉमर्स की क्लास लेकर फिर निर्णय लोगे?
- या जो आपके बड़े भाई बहन सभी ने जो सब्जेक्ट लिया था वही ले लोगे?
- या क्लास 10 में जिस विषय में ज्यादा नंबर आयेंगे वही ले लोगे?

अपने ब्रेन की योग्यता को जानकर ताकि आपका ब्रेन कौनसे विषय को अच्छे से समझ कर आपका सुनहरा भविष्य बना सकता है, इसकी पूरी जानकारी ब्रेन रिपोर्ट करवाकर, काउंसलिंग करवाकर फिर अपने 100% सटीक विषय का चयन करोगे? अभी का सही निर्णय आपके जीवन में समय को , ऊर्जा को, आपके सम्मान को, आपके माता पिता के मेहनत से कमाए हुए धन को बेकार होने से बचा सकता है।
Dear 10th Board Students As your final exams are completed and you got enough time to relax also. So to get admission in Class 11th and choose right stream (Arts/ Commerce/ Science), from Monday 30th May 2022 to Friday 3rd June 2022 (5days) we are going to hold a Career Counselling & Brain Mapping schedule between 9:00am to 1:00pm. So come & gain the knowledge regarding your upcoming bright future.

Message from Managing Director,
Warm greetings to all!!
BRAIKNOWSET has set the platform to share the responsibility of developing the future skills with the services globally, it is well positioned to meet the increasing demand for skill development and professional education across the globe.
We are happy to solicit likeminded institutions to join hands with us in fulfilling the nations’ responsibility to the young generation. We are very Innovative and aggressive to ensure Sustainable-growth for Inculcating future skills. Braiknowset actively pursues global partnerships with schools and institutions with the aim of promoting global mobility, strengthening the Indian skilling eco-system, and sharing of knowledge with other developing & developed economies.
To contribute to workforce productivity, socio-economic development and social harmony through well rounded and institutions relevant educational Programmes offerings technology and academic mobility as the focus deploying inclusive, distributed and low-cost delivery methodology. To enable all individuals to acquire skills and capabilities, prepare them to get appropriate employment and ensure their competitiveness in National and International work environment. We also provide our services all over India, and we are now working with more than 30 franchise in India in the sector of DMIT as well as Mid brain activation
We having a colonial atmosphere of Indo-German culture with strong ethics represents our authenticity, integrity and transparency in our actions and services.
I look forward for all the co-operation from different Clients, Partners, work groups, Government, Industries, Private sectors, Partners from abroad in all our Technical, Managerial Training areas, Skill development, Consultancy areas. And also, in our other core areas like, Capacity building, Vocational Education, Innovation, Incubation, Industrial research, cutting edge technologies and other areas of services.
Warm wishes,
Deepa Jain
Senior Counsellor, Brain Trainer
Braiknowset Brain Mapping Lab India
Here we take care of your brain. We also examine your brain and try to make your brain super brain with scientific technology for the development of your brain. Here we provide both, your brain test and remedy. The technology we use is being used in countries like China, Japan, Russia, Indonesia. We here at you promise to provide world class technology and world class facility.

With this facility given by us, thousands of children have recognized the power of their brain and made the right career decisions for their career and thousands of children have become super brain by increasing their brain power. This technology of ours is providing to be a boon for parents and children. We welcome you too.